Baby Clothes Hangers for Boys - 4 Pk by Baby Milano. Reviews
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These baby clothes hangers are the perfect gift for a little baby boy's clothes. Included are four plastic baby hangers , one in each color each with a unique animal design. When a new baby comes into a home, it is highly likely that a massive mound of baby clothes follows! Baby's will burn through those adorable little outfits the same way a hurricane might rip through a small town, and soon, you are left with a house filled with your little ones garbs laying in piles everywhere! If you are like most busy parents, then sitting around folding clothes all day falls far short of an appealing feat. That is where these delightful little Animal Hangers by Baby Milano come in! Instead of meticulously folding and separating the duds into more piles, just toss them on one of these charming little hangers and keep them wrinkle free and organized, all while looking "child" stylish. This set of 4 Animal Hangers includes a combination of Monkey, Kangaroo, Octopus and Lion. Not only do these serve as a rescue to you, the busy mom, but they make an excellent baby shower gift for one of your mom-to-be friends! Features Space-saving flat body Variety of adorable designs and colors Light weight, but very sturdy and durable Two slots for hanging items with straps Perfect for hanging all types of clothing (pants, skirts, shorts, swimsuits, dresses, etc.) NOTE: Made in USA.
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Aug 19, 2011 15:26:05